The Gogol Project; Lessons Learned Building My First CTF

BSides SATX 2019

Presented by: Robert Wilson
Date: Saturday June 08, 2019
Time: 13:00 - 13:50
Location: Moody 101
Track: In the Clouds

I tend to learn best when I have a definite goal and an opportunity to teach as a learn. Turning my new knowledge into a lesson or an exercise for someone else helps me to sort things out in my own head, and keeps me accountable. This presentation is a detailed overview of a CTF I built and the lessons it taught me. By presenting it, I hope to share some of the things I learn and to pick up suggestions from people who’ve been doing this longer than I have.

Robert Wilson

I grew up the oldest of six and graduated from Belmont Abbey College in North Carolina with degrees in mathematics and theology. Since then I bounced through jobs in construction, retail, and elementary school teaching, until I wound up working in information security for the US government.

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