The 5 Laws of Librarianship in your Intel Operation

BSides SATX 2019

Presented by: Tim Gallo
Date: Saturday June 08, 2019
Time: 15:00 - 15:50
Location: Moody 101
Track: In the Clouds

Building an intelligence repository often

Tim Gallo

Tim Gallo is a Solutions Architect with FireEye, who has over 20 years’ experience in information security. Tim’s expertise is in Intelligence Guided Cyber Network Defense (IGCND). Today he spends his days helping clients understand the importance of Intelligence as a guiding principle for building out effective processes and leveraging technologies to build their cyber defense centers and security operations practices. As part of his current role, Tim provides thought leadership in the areas of security strategy, intelligence initiatives, and threat and vulnerability management as well. In Tim’s previous roles, he helped develop intelligence solutions, led the security practice for a leading industrial manufacturer, and delivered Security Operations and Compliance consulting services. Tim is a member of the Board of @BSidesBDX and has spoken a numerous events around the world. He and his co-author's book "Ransomware: Defending Against Digital Extortion" has been used by many IT professional to aid in their programmatic response to the rise Ransomware in CyberCrimnial circles.

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