Challenged by Your Job Search? So Are We All! Learn Key Job Search Tips

BSides SATX 2019

Presented by: Kathleen Smith (@YesItsKathleen)
Date: Saturday June 08, 2019
Time: 09:00 - 09:50
Location: UC Conference Room B
Track: In the Thick of it

In a recent survey, more that 45% of the community said that they did not know how to find a job. Most said they just asked friends. While referrals are an important part of job search, do you know some of the other key tips. Learn what the community is doing and how you can do better in your job search.

Kathleen Smith

Kathleen Smith, CMO, ClearedJobs.Net/CyberSecJobs.Com, both veteran owned companies, she spearheads the community-building, and communications outreach initiatives catering to the both organizations’ many audiences including security cleared job seekers, cybersecurity candidates and military personnel. Kathleen has presented at several security conferences on recruiting and job search within the cyber security world to include BSidesLV, BSidesTampa, BSidesDE, FedCyber. Kathleen volunteers in the cybersecurity community; she is the Director, HireGround, BSidesLV’s 2 day career track. Kathleen is well respected within the recruiting community, is the co-founder and current President of recruitDC, the largest community of recruiters in the Washington DC area.

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