Woke Hiring Won't Save Us: An Actionable Approach to Diversity Hiring and Retention

Black Hat USA 2019

Presented by: Rebecca Lynch
Date: Thursday August 08, 2019
Time: 09:00 - 09:25
Location: Islander FG

Okay, so there are fewer women in infosec than there are men. Let's just hire more qualified women, right? ...Right? "

Diversity hiring is a bandaid on top of broader, systemic issues. Compared to our male counterparts, women in information security and engineering have abysmal rates for both matriculation in computer science education programs and retention in full-time STEM employment. Solely encouraging increased recruitment of traditionally underrepresented groups, in this case women, fails to address the underlying issues that result in a smaller pool of women to hire, and double the attrition for women on the job. Despite broad adoption of diversity hiring, it is a fraction of a solution for a fraction of the problem. This limited approach does little to level the playing field to gaining necessary qualifications, nor does it do enough to combat the fact that, after securing full-time work, the quit rate for women is still over twice that of men. So what can we do to ensure equity in our field? How do we go beyond diversity hiring to address inequity? What does "equity" mean, and why do we care in the first place? How can we as a community secure a diverse pool of hiring candidates, and create a sustainable culture that promotes the professional growth of women in infosec?

Combining multiple university studies on recruitment and retention in computer science education, and an analysis of business practices, cultures, and post-hire retention data, this talk aims to serve as a call-to-action for our community, and provide realistic practices for all professionals to foster a more inclusive workforce. With a data-driven discussion on effective education and business practices, each attendee will leave with a clearer understanding of their role in promoting the growth of a diverse workforce and a workplace where women are more likely to stay and succeed.

Rebecca Lynch

Rebecca Lynch is a Software Engineer at Duo Security, University of Michigan alumni, and University of Illinois MS-CS student.

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