DevSecOps : What, Why and How

Black Hat USA 2019

Presented by: Anant Shrivastava
Date: Thursday August 08, 2019
Time: 11:00 - 11:50
Location: South Pacific

Security is often added towards the end, in a typical DevOps cycle through a manual/automated review. However, with DevSecOps, security can be injected at every stage of a DevOps pipeline in an automated fashion. Having a DevSecOps pipeline enables an organization to:

In this talk, we shall focus on how a DevOps pipeline can easily be metamorphosed into a DevSecOps and the benefits which can be achieved with this transformation. The talk (assisted with various demos) will focus on developing a DevSecOps pipeline using free/open-source tools in various deployment platforms, i.e. on-premise, cloud native and hybrid scenarios. We will then dive into cultural aspects of DevSecOps and the changes needed to get tangible benefits. The talk will also present various case studies on how critical bugs and security breaches affecting popular software and applications could have been prevented using a simple DevSecOps approach.

Anant Shrivastava

Anant Shrivastava is an information security professional with 11+ yrs of corporate experience with expertise in Network, Mobile, Application and Linux Security. He is Regional Director - Asia Pacific for NotSoSecure Global Services. He has trained ~800 delegates at various conferences (Black Hat -USA, ASIA, EU, Nullcon and many more). He has also been a speaker at various conferences such as Nullcon, c0c0n, Rootconf. Anant also leads Open Source project Android Tamer ( and CodeVigilant ( He is active in various open security communities like OWASP, null, G4H. He is chapter leader for local null community chapter and is an avid open source contributor. He is a contributing author for OWASP Web Testing Guide v4.0 and a reviewer for Mobile Testing Guide and Mobile ASVS standard documents by OWASP. His work can be found at

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