How to Tell the C-Level Their Baby is Ugly

DerbyCon 9.0 - Finish Line

Presented by: Heather Smith
Date: Friday September 06, 2019
Time: 17:00 - 17:45
Location: Track 2

This is a down and dirty, humorous talk to help red and blue team members alike feel they can go to upper management with change. While it will include satire and plenty of memes, it gets to the point on understanding why the C-Level can’t be in the trenches, and examples of how to meet them where they stand. The talk will cover the good, the bad, and the ugly babies – from the point of view of a DFIR junkie who’s failed until they’ve succeeded. Come to commiserate about any-any’s, APT’s and Macs without boundaries; leave with a plan in hand to make the dumpster fires a bit less fiery.

Heather Smith

LitMoose is a DFIR analyst for [really big corp]. She has a Master's in Digital Forensics from USF, is an adjunct professor of Digital Forensics, and doesn't know what life is like outside of Digital Forensics anymore. Plays on the Red side for CCDC. Likes to slap-fight with APT's and long walks on the beach. Otherwise known for fiddle music, veterinary work, cat pictures and shitposting. She represents no one but herself, and even then it's iffy.

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