Testing Endpoint Protection: How Anyone Can Bypass Next Gen AV

DerbyCon 9.0 - Finish Line

Presented by: Kevin Gennuso
Date: Saturday September 07, 2019
Time: 12:00 - 12:45
Location: Track 1

Well-known antivirus vendors all have "next gen" solutions, and most newer players in the market claim to be "better" simply because they're new.This software is a significant investment for any organization, so it should do what it claims to do, right?In this talk, we'll discuss methodologies for testing these products, known and lesser-known payload generation frameworks, and how you can use these to inform your choice in EDR solutions.

Kevin Gennuso

Kevin is an infosec jack-of-all-trades but master of none.After 20 years of doing this stuff, he's kinda had it with hardcoded creds, but appreciates their role in his ongoing employment. He's worked across many industries, and has attempted to give back to the community by speaking at various conferences including BSides Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and Columbus, as well as three times at DerbyCon.

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