Think of the Kitten: The Truth About Section 230, the Law All the Cute Online Cat Pictures (And a Lot of Other Good Stuff) Depends On

ShmooCon XVI - 2020

Presented by: Cathy Gellis
Date: Friday January 31, 2020
Time: 16:30 - 16:50
Location: One Track Mind

It seems like everyone’s talking about Section 230 these days, and keen to change it, even without really knowing what it says and does. Don’t let this happen to you! Come to this crash course in Section 230 basics given by a lawyer who regularly litigates (and pontificates) about Section 230 to learn the truth about this crucial law that enables all our online cat pictures (and so much more). We’ll talk about why we have Section 230, what it does, why it works, and how badly we jeopardize our supply of online cat pictures (as well as a lot of other good, important stuff) if we mess with it.

Cathy Gellis

Frustrated that people were making the law without asking her for her opinion, Cathy Gellis (@cathygellis) gave up a career as a web developer to become a lawyer so that she could help them not make it badly, especially where it came to technology. A former aspiring journalist and longtime fan of free speech, her legal work includes defending the rights of Internet users and advocating for policy that protects online speech and innovation. She also writes about the policy implications of technology regulation on sites such as the Daily Beast,, and, where she is a regular contributor.

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