Using Abusing the Freedom of Information Act

ShmooCon XVI - 2020

Presented by: Christine Giglio
Date: Friday January 31, 2020
Time: 19:50 - 20:05
Location: Firetalks

Almost everyone in the United States has heard of the federal Freedom of Information Act. Many people also know that each state has their own requirements for FOIA and requests for documentation under FOIA. After many years working in local government, particularly in public safety, I’ve seen many different FOIA requests for information from 9-1-1 phone calls and radio traffic, police reports, contract information, and even text messages. Each request issues out information that can be used nefariously. The purpose of this talk is to give a few examples of how information that is publicly available to anyone can be used to harass or obtain information on you.

Christine Giglio

Christine Giglio (@kesseret) is a Computer Aided Dispatch Administrator for a rural 9-1-1 center. She started her career in the world of Information Technology and gravitated towards public safety IT and eventually making the shift to fully support 9-1-1. Urban Dictionary has defined her (kesseret) as a cat-loving computer expert extraordinaire, which is probably the most tasteful thing you can reference on that site. She is also the reason why law enforcement entities are leery about opening suspicious email attachments (except for Shane.)

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