Google Toolbar: The NARC Within


Presented by: Jeff Bryner
Date: Friday July 30, 2010
Time: 12:00 - 12:20
Location: Grande E-F
Track: Track 5

You downloaded google toolbar because it came with Adobe, or you are a a Google fanboy. You started using it to store your bookmarks because you're too lame to rsync them like real man. Little do you know that google is selling you out to your corporate security staff. They now know about the midget porn...the porn you bookmarked at home, but never view at work. Yes that porn

Jeff Bryner

Jeff Bryner has 20 years of experience integrating systems, fixing security issues, performing incident response and forensics. He writes for the SANS forensic blog, has spoken at RSA on SCADA security issues and runs just for fun.

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