Antique Exploitation (aka Terminator 3.1.1 for Workgroups


Presented by: Jon Oberheide
Date: Friday July 30, 2010
Time: 19:00 - 19:20
Location: Grande E-F
Track: Track 5

Just as the Terminator travels back from the future to assassinate John Connor using futuristic weaponry, we will travel a couple decades back in time to attack a computing platform that threatens the future of Skynet: Windows 3.11 for Workgroups! Come enjoy the hilarity that ensues when applying modern attack tools and exploitation techniques to an operating system that is approaching its 20th birthday yet EOL'ed only two years ago. We'll be presenting a number of 0-days for applications that are over 6000 days old and poppin' 16-bit calculators all over the place!

Jon Oberheide

Jon Oberheide is the CTO of Scio Security, an Ann Arbor-based startup. He previously attended the University of Michigan for a BS, MS, and PhD in Computer Science and has held positions at Merit Networks and Arbor Networks. Jon has presented at a wide range of academic, industry, and hacker security conferences.

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