Physical Security : You're Doing It Wrong!


Presented by: A.P. Delchi
Date: Saturday July 31, 2010
Time: 15:00 - 15:50
Location: Royale 6-7-8
Track: Track 4

Follow in the footsteps of a seasoned geek as he recalls his adventures in the design, buildout, and operation of a physical security system. Learn how to plan ahead for the issues that will fall on your head, how to get vendors to take you to lunch, and how to achieve the impossible : a physical security system that keeps users,management , your budget, and you happy while actually keeping out the bad guys.

A.P. Delchi

A.P. Delchi started out with a TRS-80 and a dream : To escape farm country. Since then he has derailed his professional career by associating with the hacker community. This includes rocking the house as a DJ for the Cult of the Dead Cow, covert operations for the Ninja Strike Force, professional power drinking with 303, and giving spiritual guidance to Attack Research & Offensive Computing. Taking a break from these stressful activities he has presented at Pumpcon, Defcon, HOPE , and professional engagements discussing information and physical security, automated reverse engineering, network analysis and incident response. In-between bouts of employment, he has also authored the someday-to-be-published graphic novel CHOWN. Utilizing this unique background and a list of accomplishments that can not be discussed in polite company, he has achieved the holy grail of network defense : being able to prevent Valsmith from breaking into a secured computer network.

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