The Anatomy of Drug Testing


Presented by: Jimi Fiekert
Date: Sunday August 01, 2010
Time: 13:00 - 13:50
Location: Royale 5
Track: Track 3

This talk will cover most of the basics and some of the advanced principles/procedures to how drug screening works. Areas of the subject that will be covered will be the legality of drugs, the legality of drug testing, methods of drug testing, sample types, and reliability.

Jimi Fiekert

Jimi Fiekert's bio: I am a graduate of Cincinnati Technical College with a degree in Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT), and certified by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists (ASCP). I am also certified by the Department of Transportation (DOT) in the collection of legal drug screens and the administration of Breath Alcohol Testing. On top of that, I have personally done more research into the field of drug testing and how drugs interact with our bodies beyond what I have needed to career-wise.

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