Cipherspaces/Darknets: An Overview Of Attack Strategies


Presented by: Adrian Crenshaw
Date: Sunday August 07, 2011
Time: 12:00 - 12:50
Location: Track 2
Track: Track 2

Darknets/Cipherspaces such as Tor and I2P have been covered before in great detail. Sometimes it can be hard to follow attack strategies that have been used against them as the papers written on the topic have been academic and abstract. What this talk will attempt to do is step back and give an overview of the topic in a manner hopefully more conducive to the understanding of security practitioners, giving more concrete examples. While little to nothing in this talk will be "new and groundbreaking" it should lead to a better understanding of how encrypted anonymizing networks can be subverted to reveal identities.

Adrian Crenshaw

Adrian Crenshaw has worked in the IT industry for the last thirteen years. He runs the information security website, which specializes in videos and articles that illustrate how to use various pen-testing and security tools. Twitter: @irongeek_adc

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