DIY Electric Car


Presented by: Dave Brown
Date: Saturday July 28, 2012
Time: 12:00 - 12:50
Location: Track 1

Electric Vehicles are an exciting area of developing technology entering the mainstream market. Every major manufacturer is working on new hybrid and electric vehicles but prices will be high and options few for years to come.

As with many industries, a DIY approach can yield similar results for much less cost, while creating something truly unique.

This talk will explore the possibilities and procedures involved in creating your own electric vehicle. Topics addressed will include the whys and hows, with an emphasis on the options available to tailor your conversion to match your time, budget, and performance needs.

Dave Brown

Dave Brown is an IT Security Consultant with Booz Allen Hamilton. In his free time he tries to build stuff, and is particularly interested in alternative energy. In 2010 he converted a ’74 VW Beetle to run on electricity, improving performance and eliminating the need to gas up.

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