KinectasploitV2: Kinect Meets 20 Security Tools


Presented by: Jeff Bryner
Date: Sunday July 29, 2012
Time: 11:00 - 11:50
Location: Track 2

Last year saw the release of Kinectasploit v1 linking the Kinect with Metasploit in a 3D, first person shooter environment. What if we expanded Kinectasploit to use 20 security tools in honor of DEF CON's 20th anniversary?!

Jeff Bryner

Jeff Bryner Jeff has toiled for over 20 years integrating systems, performing incident response and forensics and ultimately fixing security issues. He writes for the SANS forensic blog, has spoken at RSA on SCADA security issues, DEF CON 18 on privacy issues with the google toolbar, released kinectasploit v1 at DEF CON 19 and runs just for fun. Twitter: @p0wnlabs

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