Not So Super Notes, How Well Does US Dollar Note Security Prevent Counterfeiting?


Presented by: Matthew Duggan
Date: Friday July 27, 2012
Time: 12:00 - 12:20
Location: Track 4 / Turbo

The security of US dollar notes is paramount for maintaining their value and safeguarding the US and dependent economies. Counterfeiting has historically been a crime of high sophistication, but has the prevalence of affordable color scanning and printing equipment changed that? This talk analyzes the security features of US dollars to determine the minimum sized organization that could successfully execute an attack.

Matthew Duggan

Matthew Duggan holds a Bachelors and Masters degree in computer science, and has been working as a software engineer for almost 10 years. He enjoys testing the limits of systems, especially in regards to security. When he is not reading about security or picking locks he brews beer and watches movies.

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