Jukebox Jacking


Presented by: Antitree, JustBill
Date: Sunday July 29, 2012
Time: 10:00 - 10:50
Location: Skytalks

You're sitting in a bar with your friends having an interesting discussion about an abstract security topic when suddenly Bon Jovi starts blasting from the jukebox with 10 screaming girls that distract you. You're saying to yourself, "Self, I'd really like to turn that music off or at least the volume down." Well you're in luck because that jukebox is connected to the Internet, has a mobile app, and uses an RF remote control that transmits over shared ISM frequencies. All of which are fun to hack on. This talk will discuss some of the issues with a popular jukebox system and some of the things you can do. The presentation includes mobile hacking, network exploits, and an introduction to hardware hacking for pen testers all wrapped up in an old school hacking story line.


AntiTree hails from Rochester,NY where he helps support the local hacker community as a founding member of the hackerspace, Interlock Rochester, the organizer of Rochester 2600, a member of the Rochester TOOOL chapter, and a member of the local Defcon group DC585. He's also a co-organizer of BSidesROC. By day he is a penetration tester for the Intrepidus Group where he hacks most of the things and by night he hacks the rest of the things. 100% of his presentations this year are based on alcohol or alcohol induced.


JustBill [not the Defcon Goon] is an Amateur radio enthusiast who likes messing with RF. Hailing from Rochester, NY, he is a member of the local hackerspace, Interlock Rochester, and regular attendee of Rochester 2600 meetings where he gets sucked into helping AntiTree do fun projects. By day he is a datacenter manager and brand new father.

KhanFu - Mobile schedules for INFOSEC conferences.
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