Pentesting for non-pentesters: learning through virtual machines

DerbyCon 2.0 - The Reunion

Presented by: Sam Gaudet
Date: Friday September 28, 2012
Time: 21:00 - 21:50
Location: Track 2
Track: Fix Me

An overview of self-study methods available for learning the basics of information security and pentesting. Penetration testing will be presented in a safe environment that is isolated from your work or personal network. The lab will be constructed in a manner that can be entirely contained within a laptop (assuming sufficient processing power and hard drive space). Now, you’ve got no excuse but to hack the night away!

Sam Gaudet

Sam Gaudet is a Security Analyst for the University of Maine System where his primary duties include vulnerability management, incident response, risk assessments, and whatever else needs doing. In his little free time, Sam enjoys a fine beer, eating his wife’s home grown organic food, and teaching his son how to break things.

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