Birds, bots and machines - Fraud in Twitter and how to detect it using Machine Learning Techniques

SOURCE Boston 2013

Presented by: Vicente Diaz
Date: Wednesday April 17, 2013
Time: 14:30 - 15:20
Location: Library

Summarizing the main points of this presentation: - Analysis of real malicious campaigns on Twitter and methodology used - How these campaigns are related to Ads companies that take your digital fingerprint to cross-check your browsing with real world information. - How much money are these trackers making (and how profiling relates to governments). - A method using Machine Learning with real world data for detecting malicious (and hacked!) profiles with over a 90% success. - Reflections on how we can help in avoiding social networks to become next fraud ́s haven.

Vicente Diaz

Former lead of the Intelligence eCrime Group at S21sec, Vicente joined Kaspersky Lab in 2010 as a Security Analyst at GReAT Team and R&D Manager for Iberia. He also cooperates in the Master of Security of the UOC as professor. He is a co-founder of Edge-Security Team and is a member of the board of directors of FIST Conferences. He has been a speaker at several conferences such as EUSecWest, Deepsec and VirusBulletin, and participates in several anti-fraud efforts.

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