Protecting sensitive information on iOS devices

SOURCE Boston 2013

Presented by: David Schuetz (Darth Null)
Date: Thursday April 18, 2013
Time: 13:30 - 14:20
Location: Library

This talk reviews the key technologies available to keep data protected on iStuff, hopefully framing the discussion in a way decision makers can understand. From built-in features, to tricks for getting around them, to advanced attacks, we look at the most important things you can do to keep your data secure. And provide a non-nonsense reality check on the reasons you'll never be 100% safe. We conclude with a short review of best practices, both for configuration and custom application development, as well as a review of improved controls introduced in iOS 6.

David Schuetz

David is a Senior Consultant at Intrepidus Group, where he focuses on iOS research and application testing. He enjoys solving puzzles,from security conferene crypto contests to reverse-engineeringApple's MDM system, and everything in between. He can be found ontwitter as DarthNull, and occasionaly blogging at

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