The 7 habits of highly effective CISOs [Mentored by Wendy Nather]

BSidesLV 2013

Presented by: Franklin Tallah
Date: Wednesday July 31, 2013
Time: 12:00 - 12:50
Location: Florentine E
Track: Proving Ground

As a consultant, I often work closely with the individual(s) responsible for corporate-wide security programs. Despite being l33t technologists, many infosec leaders feel overwhelmed, marginalized and resigned to the notion that CISO means “Career is So Over”.

This talk is about the positive deviants; those who buck the scapegoat mentality to establish themselves as facilitators and team players, while still performing rigorous security. My talk draws from first-hand experience and extensive research.

Come hear about a CISO who uses “cage rattling questions” to gain influence in the boardroom, motivate his teams and illicit cooperation from employees – the levels of which will make you jealous; or about the contents of another CSO’s “Do not do” list that will make you cringe.

If you are responsible for your company’s security program or would like to be, this talk is for you. Come listen to how some CSOs are redefining what it means to be successful in this role; then share your thoughts or applaud enthusiastically at the presenter…

Franklin Tallah

Franklin Tallah is a senior security consultant at Verizon with 11 years of experience working at the intersections of regulatory compliance and risk tolerance. He maintains an alphabet soup of industry certifications and is an active member of ISSA.

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