Oil & Gas Infosec 101


Presented by: Aaron Bayles (AlxRogan)
Date: Thursday August 01, 2013
Time: 13:00 - 13:50
Location: Track 3
Track: Track 3

Ever wonder what it's like to secure off-shore platforms, field operations, and aging SCADA systems? Take a ride through how Oil & Gas companies operate and what the pitfalls are in trying to fix technology that predates enterprise IT and make them more secure. SCADA, wifi/radio/satellite communication, and corporate IT all come together and it's up to YOU to figure out how to make sense of it all.

Aaron Bayles

Aaron Bayles (@AlxRogan) was born and raised in the Oil and Gas industry, and has worked (off and on) there since 1995. He has gooned since DEF CON 12, and is a professional contest participant (CTF, Wardriving, ScavHunt). In his work experience, he has consulted for energy generating companies, health care providers, US and local government, and education/research institutions. He is currently the Information Security Architect for a mid-size oil and gas company in Houston.

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