Exploring Novel Ways in Building Botnets

ShmooCon V - 2009

Presented by: David Kennedy (Rel1k), valanx
Date: Saturday February 07, 2009
Time: 10:00 - 11:00
Location: Back Room
Track: Break It!

<p>Botnets are widely regarded as the most imminent threat to the internet's infrastructure security. While a bot's lifecycle has mostly stayed the same (initial infection, C+C contact, download of payloads/instructions, performance of malicious actions) for some time now, the communication structures are currently undergoing a shift in direction of P2P methods. In this talk we will cover some novel ways in mobilizing well-known and not-so-well-known protocols within botnets. Amongst others we will show how to perform quite efficient DoS attacks without prior OS exploitation and how to abuse some servers run by Microsoft itself for downright untraceable C2 communication and payload distribution. </p>



Daniel is a long time network geek who loves to explore protocols and to break flawed ones.

Enno Rey

Enno is a long time network geek who loves to explore protocols and to break flawed ones.

KhanFu - Mobile schedules for INFOSEC conferences.
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