EDL Cloning for $250

ShmooCon V - 2009

Presented by: Dr. Thomas J. Holt
Date: Sunday February 08, 2009
Time: 11:00 - 12:00
Location: Front Room
Track: Build It!

$250 on eBay buys the necessary kit to clone the Electronic Drivers License and US Passport Card. This talk covers everything you'll need for a homebrew EDL and PASS cloner, as well as a fair bit of info on the EPC Gen2 RFID tags used.


Kristin Paget

Chris Paget decided a while ago that being sued for doing security research is no fun, so it's safer to target government systems instead. His previous hacks include HID cloners, WPAD-based LAN hijacking, GDI messaging attacks, and out-drinking Dan Kaminsky. Chris spends most of his days trying to break into eBay faster than the bad guys, and in his spare time likes to hack into just about anything he can legally get his hands on.

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