Weaponizing Your Pets: War Kitteh and the Denial of Service Dog

ShmooCon X - 2014

Presented by: Gene Bransfield, Garcon Coffee
Date: Friday January 17, 2014
Time: 21:30 - 21:50
Location: Build It Room
Track: Fire Talks

Concerned kitteh owners are able to purchase products that will track their kittehs and report back locations to the concerned kitteh owner. All we needed to add was an SSID sniffer and we’d have a War Kitteh. At Outerz0ne one year someone outfitted a particular pooch with WiFi gear and referred to the dog as the WiFi Service Dog. Now if you outfitted a particular pooch with a different set of equipment you could have a Denial of Service Dog.

Garcon Coffee

Gene Bransfield

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