Introduction To Vulnerability Assessment

ShmooCon X - 2014

Presented by: Jose Cintron
Date: Saturday January 18, 2014
Time: 18:00 - 18:50
Location: Georgetown East
Track: Trainer Exchange

Creators: Dr. Steve Gosnell, Nate Adams, Jose Cintron, Chriss Koch

License: Creative Commons: Attribution, Share-Alike (

Class Prerequisites: None

Lab Requirements: - BackTrack Linux VM for familiarization - Windows VM machine with WebGoat, Nessus, Nmap, Wireshark, and TamperData plugin for Firefox - Various VM as targets (will be specified in more detail in the future)

Class Textbook: None

Recommended Class Duration: 3 days

Creators Available to Teach In-Person Classes: Yes

Author Comments:

This is a lecture and lab based class giving an introduction to vulnerability assessment of some common common computing technologies. Instructor-led lab exercises are used to demonstrate specific tools and technologies.

Course Objectives are - Learning a general methodology for conducting assessments - Scanning and mapping network topology - Identifying listening ports/services on hosts - Fingerprinting operating systems remotely - Conducting automated vulnerability scans - Auditing router, switch, and firewall security - Auditing UNIX and Windows configuration and security - Performing Web application and associated database security assessments

This class will serve as a prerequisite for later class on vulnerability assessment which dive deeper into specific areas such as Windows VA or web application VA.

Jose Cintron

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