How To Find Mobile Internet Love

RVAsec 3

Presented by: Jack Mannino, Abdullah Munawar
Date: Thursday June 05, 2014
Time: 15:00 - 15:50
Location: Richmond Salons

As mobile dating applications grow in popularity, so does our interest in the security posture behind these apps. We wanted to take a look at numerous features within these apps to determine the good, the bad, and the ugly. We will cover popular features such as location-based services, analytics, sharing of information, and any other features we discovered to be interesting. This talk will feature some highlights from popular, obscure, and scary mobile dating applications to answer a very simple question: Can you find love on the Internet without having your personal data exposed?

Jack Mannino

Jack Mannino is a Co-Founder at nVisium, a DC area firm specializing in application security. At nVisium, he helps to ensure that large corporations, government agencies, and software startups have the tools they need to build and maintain successful security initiatives. He is an active Android security researcher/tinkerer, and has a keen interest in identifying security issues and trends on a large scale. Jack is a leader and founder of the OWASP Mobile Security Project. He is the lead developer for the OWASP GoatDroid project, and is the chairman of the OWASP Northern Virginia chapter. jack_mannino / nVisium

Abdullah Munawar

Abdullah Munawar is an application security consultant at nVisium who specializes in mobile application testing and ripping apart new things. He previously worked on the security teams at financial and aviation organizations, with over 7 years of experience. Abdullah attempts humor on a daily basis and succeeds most of the time, every time.

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