Ephemeral Communications: Why and How?


Presented by: Jon Callas, Ryan Lackey, Elissa Shevinsky (#LADYBOSS)
Date: Friday August 08, 2014
Time: 16:00 - 16:50
Location: Track 2

Possibly more to come..... Ephemeral communications applications are increasingly popular ways, especially among younger users, to communicate online. In contrast to “once it’s on the Internet, it’s forever”, these applications promise to delete information rapidly, or to maintain anonymity indefinitely, lowering inhibitions to share sensitive or personal content. There are several types of these applications, as well as ephemeral or anonymous publication use of mainstream tools, with unique security features and general utility. Key people from the major ephemeral applications will debate where the market is, where it’s going, and how these systems can best balance user desires with technical and legal requirements.

Ryan Lackey

Ryan Lackey, Founder of CryptoSeal, founded HavenCo, the world’s first offshore datahaven, and has worked as a defense contractor in Iraq and Afghanistan, at various technology startups, and is currently working on a secure hardware-based router for business travelers.

Jon Callas

Jon Callas, CTO of SilentCircle, is co-founder of PGP Corporation and Silent Circle.

Elissa Shevinsky

Elissa Shevinsky, Founder of Glimpse. (more bios will be coming shortly)

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