Hacking the Hustle Hands-On, Infosec Resume and Career Strategies

BSidesLV 2014

Presented by: Eve Adams (HackerHuntress)
Date: Tuesday August 05, 2014
Time: 09:00 - 09:50
Location: Common Ground

In this workshop, infosec recruiter Eve Adams (@HackerHuntress) will provide hands-on instruction in improving your resume, identifying the infosec job you want, and other career strategies for security professionals. You’ll get an individualized look at your resume from a recruiter who knows the security market like no other, tips on finding the right opportunities and sussing out company culture, and plenty of time for lively, interactive Q&A. Bring your resume and, if possible, a laptop to this hands-on workshop!

Eve Adams

Senior Talent Acquisition Expert, Halock Security Labs Eve Adams (@HackerHuntress) is Senior Talent Acquisition Expert at Halock Security Labs, a full-service information security advisory in Schaumburg, IL. Eve leverages three years of security staffing experience to drive recruitment for both internal Halock roles and client placement. She also spearheads Halock's social media presence and counts Twitter as one of her most powerful recruiting tools. She's passionate about information security, thinks most recruiters are doing it wrong, and naively believes technology can change the world for the better. In past lives, she has been a writer, translator and reptile specialist, among other things. While she is officially OS-agnostic, she runs Ubuntu 12.04 at home.

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