Introduction and Overview: I Am The Cavalry and Empowering Researchers

BSidesLV 2014

Presented by: I Am The Cavalry
Date: Wednesday August 06, 2014
Time: 10:00 - 10:50
Location: IATC

This session will kick off a day of sessions to empower researchers to make positive change, run by BSidesLV and I Am The Cavalry. The goal is to define the problem space, inspire people to take a leadership role in solving security problems and build up the skills needed to succeed.

This session gives an introduction and overview of I Am The Cavalry, an update on the current status and activities, an outlook for the future as well as a rundown of the day’s event.

I Am The Cavalry

I Am The Cavalry The Cavalry is a global grassroots organization that is focused on issues where computer security intersects public safety and human life. We strive to ensure that these technologies are worthy of the trust we place in them. We are seeking to organize as a non-profit educational foundation. Our areas of focus are medical devices, automobiles, home electronics and public infrastructure. The Cavalry message is that our dependance on computer technology is increasing faster than our ability to safeguard ourselves. As computerization and connectivity become more ubiquitous, it's important that we protect public safety and human life. The Cavalry is collecting, connecting, collaborating and catalyzing. Collecting existing research and researchers. Connecting these resources with each other and stakeholders in media, policy and legal stakeholders. Collaborating across a broad range of backgrounds and skillsets. Catalyzing research and corrective efforts sooner than would happen on their own. The Cavalry mission is to ensure technologies with the potential to impact public safety and human life are worthy of our trust. We will achieve this mission through education, outreach and promoting research, and through an independent voice of reason from the security community.

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