Cat Herding in the Wild Wild West: What I Learned Running A Hackercon CFP

DerbyCon 4.0 - Family Rootz

Presented by: Nathaniel Husted (Dr. Whom)
Date: Saturday September 27, 2014
Time: 09:30 - 09:55
Location: Stable Talks

It’s not often you hear what goes on behind the scenes when a group of organizers is choosing what talks will be presented at a conference whether it be in industry or in academia. This talk is meant to remove that mysterious shroud and shed light on the Call for Presentations process of Circle City Con. This informative talk will both help speakers and potential speakers understand how the talk process works but will also provide some lessons learned for other conference organizers to use. I’ll talk about what I expected from the highest caliber talks, what worked and what didn’t with our process, how to maximize scheduling, and finally, how to keep your speakers happy during the vent itself! This talk will be one part education, one part entertainment, and one part documentary. At the end of the talk the audience will have a better idea on what makes a strong presentation submission and organizers will learn a few tricks of their own for choosing the best submissions possible.

Nathaniel Husted

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