Defending the Enterprise with Evernote

SOURCE Boston 2015

Presented by: Salvador Grec
Date: Wednesday May 27, 2015
Time: 15:15 - 15:55
Location: Library
Track: Security and Technology

Most people are already familiar with Evernote. It’s easy to just throw all our miscellaneous data into the Elephant and effortlessly find it later with a quick search or correlate similar ideas with tags. Evernote is literally our external brain that increases our intelligence and helps us become more productive overall. This presentation discusses an experiment of using Evernote as a defensive management platform, the specific concepts and strategies used, and its overall effectiveness. Specific topics covered will include the advantages of using an open and flexible platform that can be molded into an open/closed source threat intelligence database, an information sharing platform, and an incident case management system. Although using Evernote in this way in large enterprises is probably not possible, the same lessons learned can be applied to implement a similarly effective system using internally-hosted open source or commercial software.

Salvador Grec

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