Practice Safe Cyber: The Miseducation of American Students on Internet Safety

BSidesLV 2015

Presented by: Vivienne Pustell
Date: Tuesday August 04, 2015
Time: 12:00 - 12:25
Location: Florentine E
Track: Proving Ground

What students are told to watch out for online: sexual predators. What they should actually be watching out for online: basically everything else. Contemporary American education relies heavily on the notion of “technology is everywhere and kids are clever, so we don't need to teach them about technology!” To certain extents, this is true. But like any user, the average American kid is actually pretty clueless. This talk will discuss what isn't being in taught in classrooms, what is actively being incorrectly taught, and what you can do about it. Come because you fear what the next generation of users will do to your blood pressure and subsequent health insurance premiums, stay for the snark and weird slides.

Vivienne Pustell

Vivienne Pustell is a graduate student at the Stanford University School of Education. A former high school teacher, she attempted to nurture the next generation of social engineers and infosec-savvy citizens, but would rather not incriminate herself with specifics.

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