Crema: A LangSec-inspired Language

BSidesLV 2015

Presented by: Sergey Bratus, Jacob Torrey
Date: Tuesday August 04, 2015
Time: 17:00 - 17:55
Location: Siena
Track: Ground Truth

We discuss the potential for significant reduction in the size and complexity of verification tasks for input-handling software when such software is constructed according to LangSec principles, i.e., is designed as a recognizer for a particular language of valid inputs and is compiled for a suitably limited computational model no stronger than needed for the recognition task. We will demo Crema, an open-source programming language and restricted execution environment of sub-Turing power.

Sergey Bratus

Sergey Bratus is a Research Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Dartmouth College. He sees state-of-the-art hacking as a distinct research and engineering discipline that, although not yet recognized as such, harbors deep insights into the nature of computing. He has a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Northeastern University and worked at BBN Technologies on natural language processing research before coming to Dartmouth.

Jacob Torrey

Jacob Torrey is an Advising Research Engineer at Assured Information Security, Inc. where he leads the Computer Architectures group and acts as the site lead for the Colorado branch. Jacob has worked extensively with low-level x86 and MCU architectures, having written a BIOS, OS, hypervisor and SMM handler. His major interest is how to (mis)use an existing architecture to implement a capability currently beyond the limitations of the architecture.

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