Introduction to SDR and the Wireless Village


Presented by: DaKahuna, satanklawz
Date: Thursday August 06, 2015
Time: 10:00 - 10:50
Location: DEF CON 101

In many circumstances, we all have to wear different hats when pursuing hobbies, jobs and research. This session will discuss the exploration and use of software defined radio from two perspectives; that of a security researcher and Ham Radio operator. We will cover common uses and abuses of hardware to make them work like transceivers that the Ham crowed is use too, as well as extending the same hardware for other research applications. Additionally we will highlight some of the application of this knowledge for use at The Wireless Village! Come and join this interactive session; audience participation is encouraged.

By day DaKahuna works for a small defense contractor as a consultant to large government agencies providing critical reviews of customer organizations compliance with Federal Information Systems  information Security Act (FISMA) requirements, effectiveness of their implementation of National Institute for Science and Technology (NIST) Special Publication requirements, cyber security policies, cyber security program plans, and governmental standards and guidance. By night he enjoys roaming the airwaves , be it the amateur radio bands or wireless networks. He is a father of two, grandfather to three, 24 year Navy veteran communicator, holder of an amateur radio Extra Class license and a staunch supporter and exerciser of his 2nd Amendment rights who enjoys shooting targets out to 1200 yards.



Satanklawz has been in the information security realm for 15 years. He built and sold a wireless ISP, worked info sec in the financial services industry and now is a public servant of sorts. His hobbies and interests have always involved radio in some sort of fashion. When he has spare time, he is completing his PhD, teaches, create mischief, and is working on his dad jokes.

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