Fighting Back in the War on General Purpose Computers


Presented by: Cory Doctorow
Date: Friday August 07, 2015
Time: 11:00 - 11:50
Location: Track Three

EFF's Apollo 1201 project is a 10-year mission to abolish all DRM, everywhere in the world, within a decade. We're working with security researchers to challenge the viability of the dread DMCA, a law that threatens you with jail time and fines when you do your job: discover and disclosing defects in systems that we rely on for life and limb.

Cory Doctorow

Cory Doctorow ( is a science fiction author, activist, journalist and blogger — the co-editor of Boing Boing ( and the author of the YA graphic novel IN REAL LIFE, the nonfiction business book INFORMATION DOESN’T WANT TO BE FREE< and young adult novels like HOMELAND, PIRATE CINEMA and LITTLE BROTHER and novels for adults like RAPTURE OF THE NERDS and MAKERS. He works for the Electronic Frontier Foundation and co-founded the UK Open Rights Group. Born in Toronto, Canada, he now lives in London.

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