Scared Poopless – LTE and *your* laptop


Presented by: Jesse Michael, Mickey Shkatov
Date: Saturday August 08, 2015
Time: 10:00 - 10:50
Location: Track One

With today’s advancement in connectivity and internet access using 3G and LTE modems it seems we all can have a device that’s always internet capable, including our laptops, tablets, 2 in 1’s ultrabook. It becomes easier to be online without using your WiFi at all.  In our talk we will demonstrate and discuss the exploitation of an internal LTE modem from Huawei which can be found in a number of devices including laptops by HP.

Mickey Shkatov

Mickey Shkatov is a security researcher and a member of the Intel Advanced Threat Research team. His areas of expertise include vulnerability research, hardware and firmware security, and embedded device security. Mickey has presented some of his past research at DEF CON, Black Hat USA, BruCON, and BsidesPDX Twitter: @laplinker

Jesse Michael

Jesse Michael has been working in security for over a decade and is currently a security researcher at a Fortune 50 company who spends his time causing trouble and finding low-level hardware security vulnerabilities in modern computing platforms. Twitter: @jessemichael

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