Remaining Covert in an Overt World


Presented by: Chet Hosmer, Michael Raggo
Date: Friday August 07, 2015
Time: 16:00 - 16:50
Location: Packet Capture Village

With the explosion of social media, sharing apps, and an overall world of overtness, some of us are seeking ways to communicate covertly and protect our privacy. This has prompted the emergence of new and enhanced covert communications. This includes methods for hiding data within apps, communication protocols, and even enhanced techniques for hiding data within data. In this talk we'll explore the most recent techniques for secret communications and hiding data, while also exploring new ideas for covert storage in wearables, mobile devices, and more with walkthroughs and demos.

Michael Raggo

Michael Raggo (Twitter: @MikeRaggo) Michael applies over 20 years of security technology experience and evangelism to the technical delivery of Mobile Security Solutions. Mr. Raggo's technology experience includes mobile device security, penetration testing, wireless security assessments, compliance assessments, incident response and forensics, security research, and is a former security trainer. His publications include books for Syngress titled "Data Hiding" and McGraw Hill as a contributing author for "Information Security the Complete Reference 2nd Edition", as well as multiple magazine and online articles. He is also a participating member of the PCI Mobile Task Force. Mr. Raggo has presented on various security topics at numerous conferences around the world (BlackHat, DefCon, SANS, Gartner, DoD Cyber Crime, OWASP, InfoSec, etc.) and has even briefed the Pentagon and FBI.

Chet Hosmer

Chet is the Founder of Python Forensics, Inc. a non-profit organization focused on the collaborative development of open-source investigative technologies using Python. Chet is also the founder of WetStone Technologies, Inc. and has been researching and developing technology and training surrounding forensics, digital investigation and steganography for over two decades. He has made numerous appearances to discuss emerging cyber threats including National Public Radio's Kojo Nnamdi show, ABC's Primetime Thursday, NHK Japan, CrimeCrime TechTV and ABC News Australia. He has also been a frequent contributor to technical and news stories relating to cyber security and forensics and has been interviewed and quoted by IEEE, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Government Computer News, and Wired Magazine. He is the author of three recent Elsevier/Syngress Books: Python Passive Network Mapping (ISBN-13: 978-0128027219), Python Forensics (ISBN-13: 978-0124186767), and Data Hiding which is co/authored with Mike Raggo (ISBN-13: 978-1597497435). Chet serves as a visiting professor at Utica College where he teaches in the Cybersecurity Graduate program. He is also an Adjunct Faculty member at Champlain College in the Masters of Science in Digital Forensic Science Program. Chet delivers keynote and plenary talks on various cyber security related topics around the world each year. Chet resides with Wife Janet, Son Matthew along with his four legged family near Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

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