WPA Enterprise Hacking


Presented by: Thomas D’Otreppe, Vivek Ramachandran
Date: Friday August 07, 2015
Time: 11:00 - 11:50
Location: Wireless Village

In this workshop, we will look at the different tools and techniques available to create honeypots and exploit WPA/WPA2 Enterprise networks. Our focus for this talk will be PEAP and EAP-TTLS but the principles taught can be extended to other EAP types as well.

Vivek Ramachandran

Vivek Ramachandran (Twitter: @securitytube) is the Founder and Chief Trainer at SecurityTube.net. He discovered the Caffe Latte attack, broke WEP Cloaking, a WEP protection schema in 2007 publicly at Defcon and conceptualized enterprise Wi-Fi Backdoors. He is also the author of the book "Backtrack 5 Wireless Penetration Testing". He runs SecurityTube Trainings and Pentester Academy currently taken by infosec professionals in 75 countries. He also conducts in-person trainings in the US, Europe and Asia. Vivek's work on wireless security has been quoted in BBC online, InfoWorld, MacWorld, The Register, IT World Canada etc. places. He has spoken/trained at top conferences around the world including Black Hat USA, Europe and Abu Dhabi, DEF CON, Hacktivity, Brucon, ClubHack, SecurityByte, SecurityZone, Nullcon, C0C0n etc.

Thomas D’Otreppe

Thomas d'Otreppe "Mister X" is a wifi hacker and the author of Aircrack-ng, a Wi-Fi auditing suite as well as OpenWIPS-ng, an open source WiFi Intrusion Prevention System. He has designed Offensive-Security WiFu, a proactive wireless security course, with Mati Aharoni (muts) and also contributes to Kali Linux (and contributed to BackTrack Linux). He works as a software developer for MainNerve.Twitter: @aircrackng @openwipsng

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