Why crack the network when you can be the network? Join Sebastian Kinne and Darren Kitchen of Hak5 as they slice the WiFi Pineapple down to its core. >From tracking and reporting to recon and targeting. From the next generation rogue access point to the future of the fruit. Learn what's possible with the WiFi Pineapple Mark V. Plus, adventures in not getting arrested on the Golden Gate Bridge.
Darren Kitchen is the founder of Hak5, an Internet television show inspiring hackers and IT pros since 2005. Breaking out of the 1990s phone phreak scene, Darren has continued to foster his passion for information security throughout his career as a systems administrator, presenter and now creator of nefarious penetration testing tools. He also pwns you at Unreal Tournament.
Sebastian Kinne is the lead developer of the WiFi Pineapple. Prior to hacking fruits, he reverse engineered MMORPG network protocols while completing his BSc in Computer Science. As an avid speaker, trainer and wireless enthusiast, he has probably tracked your smartphone's WiFi in a demo or two.