CFSSL: the evolution of a PKI toolkit


Presented by: Nick Sullivan
Date: Friday August 07, 2015
Time: 15:00 - 16:25
Location: Crypto and Privacy Village

n July 2014, CloudFlare released CFSSL, an open source toolkit for TLS and PKI written in Go. CFSSL can be used as a lightweight certificate authority (CA), a certificate chain bundler--and now--a TLS configuration scanner. One year later, CloudFlare is excited to announce CFSSL 1.1 and, the home on the web for the CFSSL development team. This presentation will cover the challenges of the project and how it evolved from an internal tool for CloudFlare's Railgun product into a software library used by several high-profile organizations including the "Let's Encrypt" project.

Nick Sullivan

Nick Sullivan is a cryptography and security enthusiast. He founded and built the security team at CloudFlare, one of the world's leading web security companies. He is a digital rights management pioneer in his work building Appleā€™s multi-billion dollar iTunes store. He holds an MSc in Cryptography and a BMath in Pure Mathematics.

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