Beginner Crypto for Application Developers


Presented by: Justin Engler
Date: Friday August 07, 2015
Time: 16:30 - 16:55
Location: Crypto and Privacy Village

Are you a software application developer who wants to add secure storage or communication to your application, but you have no idea where to start? This talk will quickly lay out the basics of how to add crypto to your application in a straightforward manner. No math, no cryptonerd technobabble, just simple practical techniques to use and pitfalls to avoid.

Justin Engler

Justin breaks into programs for a living. This includes both private and publicly-released work on open and closed source messaging and privacy applications. Justin has been breaking into programs for a living for 5 years, and has been doing IT and security work for over 10 years. He has previously spoken at DEF CON, Toorcon, Black Hat, and several regional conferences.

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