The Death of Privacy


Presented by: Stealth
Date: Friday August 07, 2015
Time: 00:00 - 00:00

How did we let it get this bad and what you can do to get some of yours back.

Over the years our individual freedoms and personal privacy rights have steadily been eroded. But it is not just the fault of the government or the NSA. Many of our own choices and changes in cultural norms have helped make this happen. In this talk I will explore how things got out of hand and why. While it may be too late to go back to that age of innocence, we can face the future better informed and prepared to protect our security and reclaim our rights to personal privacy.


Involved in computers since the dark ages (before WWW). The first computer I hacked was an IBM 1130 mainframe. Designed and built my first personal computer running CPM on a Z80 in the late 70s. Built large scale WANs for Fortune 500 companies during the 80s. Developed eCommerce sites and managed web developers during the 90s. Since 2000 I have been an Information security and computer forensics expert and have acquired a lifetime of experience to share in many aspects of the tech industry. .A Defcon goon for 22 years and longtime privacy advocate.

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