Social Implications of DNA Acquisition & Storage


Presented by: Michael Goetzman
Date: Friday August 07, 2015
Time: 10:25 - 10:50
Location: BioHacking Village

The advent of rapid 'Next-Generation' DNA sequencing methods has greatly accelerated biological and medical discovery steering society into a paradigm shift, the genomic era, of personalized medicine. This trend promises an affordable insight into your personal genome potentially giving individual’s personal advantages. What information is hidden within a strand of DNA and what are implications of accessing this data? Will these rapid advancements enhance humanity without sacrificing ethics and personal exposure? Can society overcome challenges stemming from emerging technologies such as massive internet accessible databases and cloud storage?

Michael Goetzman

Michael Goetzman is an Information Security Specialist for a midwestern nonprofit collection of 18 hospitals employing over 22,000 associates. His responsibilities include the confidentially of electronic medical records and general protection of sensitive data. Michael holds a masters of science in management involving international studies in Havana, Cuba studying healthcare related technologies and earned his CISSP. On his free time, Michael enjoys exotic rides in zeppelins, soaring in experimental planes, and piloting colorful hot air balloons. Michael believes in freedom of non-harmful information, equality before the law, the advancement of scientific research, and the individual imperative.

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