Dog the Freaking (OSINT) Bounty Hunter - Helping Law Enforcement Catch Criminals For (Mostly) Fun - And (Probably No) Profit

DerbyCon V - Unity

Presented by: Dennis Kuntz
Date: Friday September 25, 2015
Time: 14:00 - 14:50
Location: Track 4
Track: The 3-Way

Don your killer mullet, tasteless leather vest with no undershirt, awkward tan, and parachute pants, and join me for a romp through searching online for information about criminals on the lam. While there will definitely be an OSINT overview/primer, this talk is primarily geared toward using those skills specifically related to people who generally don’t want to be found. As well, I will talk about some of the techniques, expectations, and pitfalls with dealing with law enforcement during these investigations, as well as some case studies. Finally, if there’s time, we will discuss how to present your moobs as if they were the pecs you had thirty years ago.

Dennis Kuntz

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