High Stake Target: Lo-Tech Attack

DerbyCon V - Unity

Presented by: Kevin Cordle, Bill Gardner
Date: Friday September 25, 2015
Time: 16:00 - 16:50
Location: Track 2
Track: Fix Me

It is no secret America’s infrastructure is in need of upgrade. Roads, bridges, water treatment facilities, underground and overhead utility assets generally need to be replaced or retro-fitted. The preventative maintenance programs that exist are not keeping up with system growth. There is just not enough money, trained professionals, or time to accomplish this task before a major failure will overtake one or more of the systems involved. Using limited knowledge and minimum financial resources the local power grid could be successfully compromised and exploited into a much larger scale coordinated attack on the national grid. This talk will identify the physical weaknesses and describe a hypothetical attack with its possible outcome, as well as how we prevent these sorts of attacks.

Bill Gardner

Kevin Cordle

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