Losing Battles - Winning Wars - Active Defense Rebooted

DerbyCon V - Unity

Presented by: Rafal Los (whit3rabbit)
Date: Saturday September 26, 2015
Time: 14:00 - 14:50
Location: Track 2
Track: Fix Me

When it comes to intrusions and breaches, most security teams take a short-game view. This means that they look at events as discrete and individual and focus efforts on shortterm goals. While not universally detrimental, this view does harm the overall security of an organization in the “long game. Additionally, active defense has been hopelessly confused by marketing hype even though its meaning is powerful to security’s operational goals. This talk focuses on how enterprise security defenders can adjust their mindset, refocus, and beat adversaries by leveraging active defense over the long game. The basis of this talk is the extensive research done in support of the threat intelligence solution blueprint, a comprehensive guide to understanding, architecting, operationalizing and maturing a threat intelligence program.

Rafal Los

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