Changing the Game of Threat Hunting

SecTor 2015

Presented by: Jim Penrose
Date: Tuesday October 20, 2015
Time: 13:25 - 14:25
Location: Theatre (Hall G)
Track: Sponsors

Cybercrime makes victims of all who are targeted. In today’s thriving hyper-connected, global marketplace threat actors ruthlessly find IT gateways and disconnected system-doorways to crawl through, rendering enterprises sitting ducks looking over their shoulder and bracing for an inevitable attack. Well, what if you could flip the script? What if your enterprise could hunt for cyber threats with more stealth and determination than the bad guys? Join this session to learn about the key dimensions of cyber security that must be considered as an on-going process of self-evaluation and informed actions.


Jim Penrose

Jim Penrose is the EVP for Cyber Intelligence at Darktrace where he leads the firm¹s cyber operations team. A distinguished speaker, Jim has presented at the 2014 Cybersecurity Summit, the Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit, and the Suits and Spooks London 2014 meeting. Jim joins Darktrace following a distinguished 17 year career at NSA where he achieved the rank of Defense Intelligence Senior Level and was responsible for a variety of roles encompassing cyber threat analysis and counterterrorism. Most recently, as Chief of the Operational Discovery Center, Jim innovated new signal intelligence capabilities to discover previously unknown threats. Jim has been at the forefront of cyber operations throughout his career and was nominated for a Presidential Rank award in 2013 and 2014.

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