SHODAN for Pen Testers


Presented by: Corentin Chéron
Date: Saturday April 24, 2010
Time: 14:00 - 15:00
Track: InfoSec

SHODAN is a computer search engine. But is is unlike any other search engine. While other search engines scour the web for content, SHODAN scans for information about the sites themselves. The result is a search engine that aggregates banners from well-known services. For penetration testers, SHODAN is a game-changer, and a goldmine of potential vulnerabilities.

Michael Schearer

Michael Schearer ("theprez98") is a government contractor who spent nearly nine years in the United States Navy as an EA-6B Prowler Electronic Countermeasures Officer. His military experience includes aerial combat missions over both Afghanistan and Iraq and nine months on the ground doing counter-IED work with the U.S. Army. He is a graduate of Georgetown University's National Security Studies Program and a speaker at ShmooCon, DEFCON, and other conferences. Michael is a licensed amateur radio operator and an active member of the Church of WiFi. He lives in Maryland with his wife and four children.

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